Daily effective betting rebate up to 1%

Are you ready to take your gaming experience to the next level? With our daily effective betting rebate offer, you can now enjoy a rebate of up to 1% on your bets. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about this fantastic offer and how to make the most out of it.

Daily effective betting rebate up to 1%

Understanding the Daily Rebate Program

How the Rebate System Works

To fully benefit from the daily rebate program, it’s crucial to understand how it works.

Daily Cut-Off Time

The daily cut-off time for calculating your bets is 11:59 p.m. This means that all bets placed before this time will be considered for the rebate.

SLOTS+FISHING+PVP 0-1,999,999 0.50%
SLOTS+FISHING+PVP 2,000,000+ 1%
Automatic Deposits

Rebates are automatically deposited into your game account before 10:00 a.m. the next day, making the process seamless and hassle-free.

Daily Rebate Opportunities

You can receive betting rebates every day, ensuring that your gaming efforts are continually rewarded.

Detailed Rebate Breakdown

Slots, Fishing, and PVP Games

These categories offer some of the most attractive rebates.

Valid Bet Ranges

For slots, fishing, and PVP games, the valid bet ranges are as follows:

  • 0-1,999,999: Rebate of 0.50%
  • 2,000,000+: Rebate of 1%
Corresponding Rebate Percentages

Players betting within these ranges will receive the respective rebates, encouraging higher betting for better returns.

Live Casino and Sports Betting

These categories also provide daily rebates, though at different rates.

Valid Bet Criteria

For both live casino and sports betting, all bets are considered valid.

Rebate Percentages
  • Live Casino: 0.3%
  • Sports: 0.3%

Terms and Conditions

Turnover Requirements

To withdraw the rebate, players must meet specific turnover requirements.

Explanation of Turnover Calculation

The rebate needs to be turned over once. For instance, if you receive a rebate of ₹1,000, you must wager ₹1,000 to meet the turnover requirement.

Daily Collection of Rebates

It’s essential to remember to collect your betting rebate daily to ensure you don’t miss out on any potential rewards.

Maximum Rebate Limit

The rebate bonus can go up to P99,999, providing ample opportunity for substantial returns.

How to Maximize Your Rebates

Strategic Betting Tips

To make the most of the rebate system, consider these strategic tips.

Focusing on High Rebate Games

Prioritize betting on games with higher rebate percentages, like slots, fishing, and PVP games, to maximize your returns.

Daily Tracking and Collection

Keeping track of your daily bets and ensuring you collect your rebates can significantly enhance your overall gaming experience.

Setting Reminders

Set daily reminders to check and collect your rebates, ensuring you never miss out on potential bonuses.


The daily effective betting rebate program is a fantastic way to enhance your gaming returns. By understanding the system, adhering to the terms, and strategically placing your bets, you can maximize your rebates and enjoy a more rewarding gaming experience. Don’t forget to collect your rebates daily and watch your rewards grow!


How does the daily rebate system work?

The daily rebate system calculates your bets up to 11:59 p.m. and automatically deposits the rebate into your game account before 10:00 a.m. the next day.

What are the benefits of daily betting rebates?

Daily betting rebates provide continuous rewards for your bets, enhancing your overall gaming returns.

How can I maximize my rebates?

Focus on betting in categories with higher rebate percentages and ensure you collect your rebates daily.

Are there any limits to the rebate amount?

Yes, the rebate bonus can go up to P99,999.

What happens if I forget to collect my rebate?

If you forget to collect your rebate, you might miss out on the potential bonus for that day, so it’s crucial to remember to collect it daily.

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